Solving Chemical Equations

This was the first project I did on

Bellow, you will find a brief description of all the posts

Background Maths

These math topics are related and referenced during posts

Solving Systems Of Linear Equations: All Integer Method
Euclid’s Algorithm Explained

Main Posts

I wrote these in the context that someone could possibly learn to program from following the posts. It was also for me to get used to python. I had previously done this project in Java.

Part 1: The Math
Part 2: Road to Python
Part 3a: Row Echelon
Part 3b: Row Echelon
Part 4a: Chemical Formulas and Parsing
Part 4b: Chemical Formulas and Parsing
Part 5a: Chemical Equation and Matrices
Part 5b: Chemical Equation and Matrices
Part 6a: The Solution … Finally
Part 6b: The Solution … Finally

GitHub Links

You might just be interested in the code. Be mindful that I was not really into comments when I made these, please refer to the above posts if anything is a mystery.
