Calculating Combinations (Binomial Coefficients) Efficiently

Just by looking at formulas for Combinations (Binomial Coefficients), we are potentially talking about taking 1 astronomically large number and dividing it by two other not so astronomically large, just stupidly large, numbers. All that, just to get a number that is quite small in comparison.

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Posted by Cramer Grimes

Naive Bayes Classifier

A Naive Bayes Classifier is a supervised Machine Learning algorithm that predicts the class of new samples by utilizing Baye’s Theorem.

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Posted by Cramer Grimes

Bayes’ Theorem

Bayes anything can be considered buzz words in practically any environment. I want to go on a journey to demystifying some of this buzziness and land on some real understanding.

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Posted by Cramer Grimes

Conditional Probability and Independent Events

Conditional probability is soo powerful. Powerful in that there is a difference in the likelihood of someone developing breast cancer based on family history, lifestyle, genetics, if they are a man, or if they are women. There is math behind those statements!

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Posted by Cramer Grimes